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  1. Sparky Utilities v2.0 server settings 
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Sparky Utilities v2.0 is a Metamod plugin e.g. used to set the maximum speed for bunny hopping.

    C&P from the original thread:

    The downloads at the web archive still work, though the cfg generation doesn't. But it's possible to figure out the values for the options. Open the HTML source of the website and search for "checkbox". Add the values you want and assign the result to the cvar "sparky_options".


    // SECTION 1: General Sparky options
    //    "1"    Allow flag timers
    //    "2"    Allow flag locations
    //    "4"    Allow speedometer
    //    "8"    Allow team info hud/timeleft
    //   "16"    Enable spectator on join fix
    //   "32"    Enable grenade in ceiling fix
    //   "64"    Enable grenade exploding on spawn fix
    //  "128"    Enable death bug fix
    //  "256"    Allow players to use "unstuck" command
    //  "512"    Unmute text fix + health/armor in team_say
    // "1024"    Enable pipe lagging server fix
    sparky_options 2047 // 2047 = all options enabled
    // "1"        Fix missing HUD Messages
    sparky_fixhudmsgs 1
    // SECTION 2: striggers_ activation
    //   "1"    Allow strigger_killsg
    //   "2"    Allow strigger_yoursgdown
    //   "4"    Allow strigger_teamcap
    //   "8"    Allow strigger_enemycap
    //  "16"    Allow strigger_endofround
    //  "32"    Allow strigger_suicide
    //  "64"    Allow strigger_die
    // "128"    Allow strigger_kill
    sparky_triggers 255 // 255 = all triggers allowed
    // SECTION 3: File consistency checks
    // Note: The file consistency checks don't seem to work any more.
    sparky_forceconsistency sprites/explode01.spr
    sparky_forceconsistency sprites/playerflame.spr // This is checked if mp_consistency is 1.
    sparky_forceconsistency sound/weapons/ax1.wav
    // SECTION 4: CVars/commands locking
    sparky_addcvarlock ex_interp 0.1
    sparky_addcvarlock fullupdate
    // sparky_addcvarlock _special (Removed by Valve.)
    // SECTION 5: Speedlimit
    sparky_speedlimit 2.0 // 2.0 = up to 200% of class speed
    // SECTION 6: Extra configration options
    // sparky_foxbotareas "tfc/addons/foxbot/tfc/areas/" // Linux (slash)
    sparky_foxbotareas "tfc\addons\foxbot\tfc\areas\" // Windows (backslash)
    Last edited by pizzahut; 4th March 2017 at 10:05 PM. Reason: Synced with original thread.

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