Our item server has been under some strain as new players (and old ones) kept joining the game this weekend (and have continued into this week). This resulted in interruptions to the service this past weekend.

The server has remained up and stable since Monday, but it is still working through a backlog of connections/requests and it may take some time. We are continuing to monitor the situation and seeing how we can improve things.

Expected behavior that you will see as of this point:

  • Intermittent ability to connect to item server
  • Purchases and in game rewards (for things like the weekly) may start to slowly be granted to the account as the server works through the backlog

Once the service returns to normal operational status, if you are still missing an item, please then reach out to support at support.killingfloor2.com. Any tickets on this before that point will likely be closed.

Thank you for your patience, we hope to get this cleared up as soon as possible.
