Garża Elenkar WON2 (Windows / Linux)


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Garża Elenkar WON2 (Windows / Linux)

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  • Awtur RoboCop
  • Imtella ' 12 ta 'Mejju 2016, 02:30 PM
  • Aġġornat l-aħħar 12 ta 'Mejju 2016, 02:30 PM
  • Kategorija Addons u Għodda HLDS
  • Tniżżil Totali 14


Aktar Minn Dan l-Utent

The No-WON Patch for Players is the former name for the WON2 Player Patch and is in fact a replacement of your woncomm.lst, which contains the addresses of WON2's servers,It is the 1st and most Important file to Create servers or join Existing servers .

The WON2 Listing patch is a replacement woncomm.lst file which simply lists WON2's master server addresses. Installing this patch is required to be able to use WON2 services such as master server listings and to get your server listed on WON2.

Extract the file (woncomm.lst) into your Half-Life's /valve directory. If you are patching a client install you will be asked to overwrite an existing woncomm.lst. Select yes.

NOTE: Standalone HLDS servers ( or later and HLDS2) name the file differently. If you are running a standalone HLDS server, find the file valvecomm.lst located in the valve folder, delete it, and rename the extracted woncomm.lst to valvecomm.lst.

This does not apply to non-standalone installs that operate using client files such as HLDS

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