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Q4Max 0.82

File Information

  • Author RoboCop
  • Uploaded 2nd June 2017, 11:24 PM
  • Last Updated 2nd June 2017, 11:24 PM
  • Category Quake Series
  • Total Downloads 36

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Standard Installation

Unzip this archive in the root Quake4/ directory, with folders enabled. You should have a newly created directory named "q4max" with these files:

  • readme.htm - This file.
  • changelog.txt - A very terse list of additions, changes, and bugfixes. It is however BY FAR the most important of the docs, so READ IT!
  • description.txt - The entry for the mods menu.

  • zz-q4max-game-081.pk4
  • zz-q4max-media-081.pk4

  • A few extras (icon, .bat files...)and some standard dirs (docs, modes, cfg)

Make sure you read the docs. The most up to date source of information is our wiki.
If you're updating from a previous version of Q4Max

Delete ALL old .pk4 files in your server's q4max/ directory. Dedicated servers should only have the most recent zz-q4max-*.pk4 files in the /q4max directory to prevent unnecessary .pk4 downloads and confusion (especially on Linux/BSD-based servers).
Clients can keep the old .pk4 files for demo playback and the ability to play on servers that haven't updated yet.
Running the mod

  • Windows

Run LaunchQ4Max.exe in your Quake 4 folder.

  • Mac OS

Run Start in your Quake 4 folder.

  • Linux

./Quake4 +set fs_game q4max

We recommend you do not load Q4Max from the "Mods" menu, or by connecting to a Q4Max server. Instead, you should run Quake 4 with the following command line parameter :
+set fs_game q4maxThis makes sure the mod can initialize properly. This is good practice with any mod, as not doing so will produce various quirks related to difference in variables beetween q4base/q4mp and whichever mod you're switching to.
If you're using an external server browser that isn't MAXBrowse, look for some connection settings that would allow you to pass +set fs_game q4max if you know the browser is not doing it automatically.
Running Servers

Listen servers are quite broken and we have chosen not to support them for now : we therefore recommend you ALWAYS use dedicated servers.
On Windows :

  1. Make a shortcut to quake4ded.exe, right-click it and select Properties.
  2. In the properties window, select the shortcut tab.
  3. In the Target field, add command line options after the path and .exe name

Quake4Ded.exe +set fs_game q4max +exec server.cfgStart Q4Max-dedicated.bat will start a Q4max dedicated server directly as explained, with no savepath. You will probably want to edit a copy of the file with fs_savepath and config options.
If you are going to run multiple dedicated servers on a single machine, you will have to add a different +fs_savepath "<path for this instance>" to the commandline of each instance. i.e.
<dl style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;; font-size: medium;"><dd>Server1:Quake4Ded.exe +set fs_game q4max +win_allowmultipleinstances 1 +set fs_savepath "d:/server1"</dd><dd>Server2:Quake4Ded.exe +set fs_game q4max +win_allowmultipleinstances 1 +set fs_savepath "d:/server2"</dd></dl>and so on.
+win_allowmultipleinstances 1 is required on windows.
If you want to run a dedicated server and a client on your machine, you need to start the server with a fs_savepath as shown higher up.
More information about running servers can be found in the Server documentation page.

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