FoXBot 0.85


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FoXBot 0.85

Інформація про файл

  • Автор RoboCop
  • Завантажено 7 липня 2016 року, 03:37 вечора
  • Останнє оновлення 23rd December 2023, 01:08
  • Категорія Боти TFC
  • Загальна кількість завантажень 8790




Більше від цього користувача

Foxbot був розроблений:

Том, він же RedFox
Джордан, він же Ф'юрі
Джеремі, він же DrEvil
Пол, він же GoaT_RopeR
Річард, він же Зіббі

Особлива подяка:
Безпека 1 -а
Pizza Hut

Version 0.85
Оновлено RoboCop

- Додано нові маршрутні точки:-
+ 2kfort23
+ 2kfort5
+ junob7
+ lastresort_b1
+ gauntlet
+ tfc_orange

- Modernised RSM's angle bug fix

- Added C++17 Standard library functions support for Win32 and Linux

- Bots will now bunnyhop in stock maps plus shutdown2 and xpress2k4 but only in appropriate areas like wide spaces

- Both Win32 and Linux builds now compiled using AMBuild

- The waypoint `pathwaypoint_connect` will now auto connect path to neighbouring waypoints but at a shorter distance

- Reverted the `ProcessCommanderList` coding from version 0.791

- Added Path Check in Hunted Security Garages for bots to replenish ammo and health or escape

- Fixed the bot_chat cvar from not allowing bots to talk freely

- Fixed the `WRITE_BYTE` implicit conversion for waypoint coding

- Fixed the waypoint path in avanti that prevented bots from emerging from Defence base after capping CP3

- Enhanced the waypoint area data for dustbowl

- Repaired the rogue pathways for murderball-2002, rats, rat2 and rats3 plus they can now bunnyhop

- Optimised the waypoints and paths for rock2 in order for bots to focus more on its objectives

- Engineers will no longer go around SG turrets when repairing/upgrading

- Removed lame SG Turret nodes for 2fort, avanti, crossover2, epicenter, rock2 and well in non recommended areas

TODO List:-

>> Complete 'botdontmove' in order for "GolfBots" to stay stationary

>> To allow medic bots to heal more often, but not allow `JOB_BUFF_ALLY` to consume too many cells as engineers

>> To allow soldier bots to Rocket Jump easily

>> Fix bots navigation when shot by enemies as they sometimes cannot seem to detect where damage is coming from

>> To allow bots to use Nail Guns for destroying SG turrets, when out of nades or from a long distance

>> To prevent bots from shooting at spy corpses too long as, they aren't aware that a player switched teams as enemy spy

>> Allow bots to toss grenades at a higher elevation angle and from a lower distance as their target aim is too far

>> BONUS: Maybe add a feature for bots to have experience and wisdom or learned data in order to be a bit more human

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