SteamBans Guardian v1.4.3.0 beta


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SteamBans Guardian v1.4.3.0 beta

File Information

  • Author RoboCop
  • Uploaded 3rd January 2018, 03:14 AM
  • Last Updated 3rd January 2018, 05:16 PM
  • Category Anti-Cheat addons
  • Total Downloads 58


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/******************************** SB Guardian Beta **************************

/******************************** Installation HL1 ***********************************
************************************************** ********************************
/* Using SB Guardian without MetaMod:
/* open liblist.gam in cstrike
/* LINUX: change gamedll_linux "dlls/" to gamedll_linux "dlls/"
/* WINDOWS: change gamedll "dlls\mp.dll" to gamedll "dlls\sbguardian.dll"
/* save and close liblist.gam
/* copy the binary to cstrike/dlls
/* The Server needs a full shutdown and start in order to load the sbguardian binary
/************************************************** *******************************
/* Using SB Guardian with MetaMod:
/* open cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
/* LINUX: add the line: linux addons/sbguardian/
/* WINDOWS: add the line: win addons\sbguardian\sbguardian.dll
/* copy the binary to cstrike/addons/sbguardian
/* restart the server
/************************************************** *******************************
/******************************* Installation Source (CSS, TF2, DODS) ************
/* Using SB Guardian with MetaMod:
/* copy hl2/cstrike/addons to your server's cstrike folder
/* rename hl2/cstrike/addons/metamod/sbguardian_mm.xvdf to sbguardian_mm.vdf
/* restart the server
/************************************************** *******************************
/******************************* Installation Source (CSS, TF2, DODS) ************
/* Using SB Guardian as a VSP Plugin:
/* copy hl2/cstrike/addons to your server's cstrike folder
/* rename hl2/cstrike/addons/sbguardian_vsp.xvdf to sbguardian_vsp.vdf
/* restart the server
/************************************** FEATURES *********************************

/************************************************** *******************************
/******************** CVars ************************************************** ****
/******************** sbg.cfg is located in **************************************
/* HL1: cstrike/sbg.cfg ************************************************** ********
/* HL2: cstrike/cfg/sbg.cfg ************************************************** ****
/************************************************** *******************************
/* sbg_wh 1/0 - turns WHBlock on/off
/* sbg_cvarcheck 3/2/1/0- turns CVarCheck/Block on/off (1 = kick player, 2 = only inform you, 3 (HL1 only) = let pop up a menu where ppl can choose to let their cvar fix (=no kick) or not (=kick))
/* sbg_antinoflash 1/0 - turns NoFlashBlock[only FULLFlash] on/off
/* sbg_rcon 1/0 - turn RconLock on/off (makes rcon_password unchangeable. You NEED to restart the server with a new config to change the rcon)
/* sbg_checkfov 1/0 - turns fovcheck on/off (increased performance of whblock and blocks aimbotter from turning around with aimkey)
/* sbg_updatesystem 1/0 - turns updatenotification and autoupdating on/off (autoupdating will not work for hl1 standalone, but the notification will work)
/* sbg_warmodus 1/0 - turns WarModus on/off: standart cvars for blocking will be restored, autoupdating will be turned off and some sbg commands will be blocked
/************************************************** *******************************
/************************************************** *******************************
/****************************** Register CVars for CVarCheck *********************
/* sbg_registercvar "CVARNAME" "VALUE" MODUS
/* MODUS: 0 - the cvar needs to be that value
/* 1 - if the client's cvar is bigger than the defined
/* 2 - if the client's cvar is smaller than the defined
/************************************************** *******************************
/* example:
/* sbg_registercvar "ex_interp" "0.08" 1
/* If now someone joins with ex_interp bigger than 0.08, he will be kicked or sbg informs u about that. (regarding to your sbg_cvarcheck value)
/************************************************** *******************************
/* sbg_listcvars - list all blocked cvars
/************************************************** *******************************
/* sbg_removecvar NUMBER - removes a blocked cvar by number (sbg_listcvars shows the specific number for a cvar)
/************************************************** *******************************

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