JA ++ - Linux 64-Bit


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Fajl tar-Rapport

JA ++ - Linux 64-Bit

Informazzjoni dwar il-Fajl

  • Awtur RoboCop
  • Imtella ' 13 ta 'Awwissu 2019, 03:33 PM
  • Aġġornat l-aħħar 13 ta 'Awwissu 2019, 03:33 PM
  • Kategorija Akkademja Jedi
  • Tniżżil Totali 33


Aktar Minn Dan l-Utent

If you don't have Ja+ mod:

  • Create a japlus folder in your Gamedata folder.
  • Place the downloaded files (cl_assets.pk3, sh_animations.pk3, sh_lua.pk3) into your GameData/japlus folder.

Client JPLua plugins (optional):

Server JPLua plugins:

JA++ is available for Windows, Mac and Linux; you will have to select the correct files for your operating system and CPU architecture (i.e. 32 bit, 64 bit)

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